Wait, it’s already the last day of February? Whoa, that month went by kind of fast! This week is special because I’m on vacation with my niece, and we’re doing the tourist things in Florida and having a lot of fun and laughing a lot. One silly bucket list item checked off for me: Harry Potter and Hogsmeade, where I loved this sign: Best graphics for Orlando Islands of Adventure goes to Seuss Landing, where I read the book “Green Eggs and Ham” to my niece because she didn’t get that experience while growing up in Germany. And then I…
Month: February 2018
Sunday Serenity: Looking Up
Sometimes the best view is at my feet, and sometimes, it’s over my head. Way over my head. Like this… I’ve been camping on an island surrounded by salt marshes, but it’s the sky that has taken center stage every day. Even flock of white egrets can’t upstage skies like this. After four years of PacNW winters, I appreciate a beautiful blue sky more than ever. If you’re in the middle of winter, thinking it will never end, it will, and then you’ll have skies like these. When I look down, I just miss all the good stuff and when…
Weekly Update: Feb 21, 2018
All good things must come to an end, and so my time at Huntington Beach State Park ended today, after 22 nights of not moving Breeze a single inch. It was my first time staying somewhere that long, and had its good points and bad. I got restless after two weeks, but I did get a lot done on the photo book (almost got the first draft of layout completed, yay!) and established a daily walking habit, thanks in part to friends challenging me via online contests. Having a beach three minutes away make walks easier, I will admit! Here’s…
Sunday Serenity: Rituals
I went for a walk on the beach this morning, as I have most mornings this month. It’s quieter in the mornings than afternoons so it’s a good time to think, with the sound of the waves and the feel of the wind surrounding me. I saw these two shells still joined together and picked them up. I have a ritual I do when I find two like this. I gently break them apart and then stand at the water’s edge and cast one in, saying “This is for you, Michele” and then I cast the other one in, saying…
Brookgreen Gardens
I suppose it wouldn’t have been surprising to me that Brookgreen Gardens is a *sculpture* garden if I had bothered to read the website before I walked over there. I showed up, thinking there would be gardens, perhaps not in bloom yet, but still interesting enough. Instead, there were sculptures. Lots of sculptures. And I wasn’t really in the mood for appreciating them. So I wandered around taking pictures of what did interest me. This tree was gorgeous (yeah, me and Judy Dench, man…) And the lake had a heron and some good reflections. There was an exhibit under construction…