Given I do this vagabond thing full-time, two things are true: (1) I put a lot of towing miles on my vehicle and trailer and (2) people ask about my tow vehicle a lot. I finally made an FAQ page last year about my experiences towing with the Subaru Outback 3.6R to answer the inevitable questions. Now I have a 2019 Honda Ridgeline RTL AWD, and it’s a different experience. It tows the Alto so much easier, as if it’s not working very hard on flat ground or small hills. With the Outback, I was always aware of the load…
Month: September 2020
Snapshots from the Blue Ridge
When I was growing up, the phrase “Blue Ridge Mountains” somehow sounded magical to me. Now that I’ve wandered up and down the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Blue Ridge Mountains, it still makes me smile to see that phrase on a sign. Maybe it’s my personal version of the Magic Kingdom. Today’s post, then, features images I’ve taken this summer that didn’t make it into any earlier post. This type of fence is all over the mountains and I haven’t met one yet that I didn’t want to take a picture of. The more weathered the wood, the better….
Sunday Serenity: First Light
Darkness, broken by a tiny shaft of ight on a small seedling in the forest. The light shifts as the sun slowly rises. The light lands on branches full of green leaves, glowing brilliant against the dark background. As the sun comes over the ridge, the light spreads. One can see the trees, trunks, branches, and trees, standing in the light of the new day. Minutes later, all is illuminated and the darkness banished until evening. They say it’s darkest before the dawn. And in many ways, 2020 has felt like descending into darkness. But now, it feels like the…
Grindstone, VA
After two stops that were 14 days each, spending a quick four nights at Grindstone Recreation Area was a different experience. No awning, no firepit, and one tank of fresh water lasted me the entire stay. I snagged Site 51 a few months ago, which was a big, semi-private site. It was one of the better sites for socially distanced camping: no neighbors on one side, far off neighbors on the other, and loads of trees out the back window. It was also was a long site, so I could have put another Ridgeline and a half in front of…
Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Roan Mountain is one of the jewels of the Tennessee state park system, according to their website. After staying a full 14 days, I’d mostly have to agree with that assessment. A couple hours drive north from Asheville, NC or a an hour south from Bristol (VA or TN), and you’re in the middle of a forested campground with hiking trails, the Doe River, and a short, beautiful drive to Carver’s Gap and the Appalachian Trail.