Find a penny Pick it up; all the day you’ll have good luck. That photo at the top is the penny I found on this morning’s stroll. And it is definitely a good day, as you’ll see if you read to the bottom of the report. Over the last week, I’ve been hiking around the town of Brewster a fair amount. I discovered a back way out of the campground onto some conservation land and a loop trail, which led me to this community garden. Some lovely flowers and veggies in there, but no photos because it’s locked up tight…
Month: August 2017
Summer on the Cape
To some people, summer on the Cape is all about the beach: hanging out on the sand, dipping into the waves, paddleboarding or kayaking along the shore. To me, the Cape is so much more. It’s meadows of wildflowers with bees buzzing. Salt marshes hiding egrets and blue herons and old homes. Forest trails with tiny creeks, offering shade on hot, humid days. Surprise ponds with a lovely bench placed where one can sit and reflect on the day. I’ve loved my time on the Cape and now that it’s coming to an end, along with the summer, I’m sending…
Sunday Serenity: Monuments
There’s a lot of talk about monuments lately, and it got me thinking. What is a cemetery but a series of small monuments over time about ordinary people? Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to old burial places, paying tribute to long-forgotten lives by reading the stones and piecing together the histories. Each tablet is a monument to someone, memories carved into stone. In some places, the memorials are centuries old, the ones who loved them and remembered them now long dead themselves. Fathers, mothers, children, entire families have stories told by tombstones in a cemetery. One family grouping I read…
Friday Fun: The Shark Eye
Yeah, this is a post about a shark eye, but not the eye of a real shark. It’s all about a predatory sea snail. But it doesn’t eat people and it’s really cool so today’s Friday Fun post features these slimy little things I saw last night as the tide went out here in Brewster. That’s one sticking its little head out as it starts searching for food. Here’s another one sliding along the sand, in hot pursuit of dinner. They kind of glide with the movement of the water. It doesn’t look very fast, but they do move, as…
Weekly Update: Aug 23, 2017
A day late posting the weekly, but, hey, I think a colonoscopy is a great excuse for not hitting this particular self-imposed deadline. It was a busy week even before that momentous event, so read on… I spent the weekend in Boston, and I still think of it as my “forever home” even though I’ve not lived there since 2000. I did live there twelve years, enough time for it to sink into my bones and feel as if I am coming home whenever I visit. I was staying in a hotel close to the action, which included the counter-protest…