Time for some photography fun, which is what I’ve been doing the last four challenges with my 52Frames project. Whether it’s been with my iPhone or my Sony A7III, I’ve been working on my skills, which is pretty much the point for me of the project. Let’s dive in to four recent photos…
Week 22: Wide Angle
I have a big wide angle lens, which is great when I have big open spaces, but this week, I was in the ‘burbs of Lancaster, PA, and not really with the time to go find open space. Enter the iPhone 12 and its wide angle lens. I loved this dogwood tree across the street from where I was staying, so I shoved the phone camera up into the branches and snapped away. What I was aiming for was the feeling of being surrounded by the blossoms, like a canopy of white flowers. I think I came reasonably close to that. Such creamy white flowers on this dogwood tree.
Week 23: Music
I wrote a bit about the serendipity that led me to this drum kin in another post, Serendipity Rocks. I couldn’t actually touch the parts so I had to figure out angles that worked for a photo, given that the kit was crammed into a corner between a bookshelf and a window. I chose this shot because it emphasizes two things: how well-used the kit is and that it’s missing the drummer that makes it all work. One of my nephews was a drummer for several years, and I still smile every time I see a drum kit, thinking of Tim pounding the skins at a club in SoCal.
Week 24: Door
I try to take photos that represent where I am and I had two choices this week: the doors of the Ohiopyle-Stewart Volunteer Fire Department or the main entry in the the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed house, Fallingwater.
I liked both shots for different reasons, but in the end, seeing Fallingwater was a total bucket list item for me and I honored that by choosing this image. I processed it to remove the color and emphasize the structure and the texture of the elements so carefully chosen by Wright (well, except for that way-too-modern doormat!).
Week 25: Macro
I tried all week to get macro shots of the tiny wildflowers in bloom around the campground, but the wind had other ideas 🙁 Stuck for a shot, I pulled out my little bowl of sea shells and found this one. To make the challenge worth it, I pulled out my big Sony camera and my Meike 80mm macro lens, then got to work. Turns out the light was too weak inside the trailer, so I sat outside at a picnic table, shooting various angles and close-ups until my sweat literally dripped onto the camera. It was HOT in northern Indiana! I was pretty pleased with this shot, capturing the shells of barnacles stuck to a shell with a little eye on it (left side). This was handheld, as it was too hot and too late in the day for me to dig out my tripod and go for a full-on setup. I think I did OK with it.
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Congratulations on being highlighted by 52 Frames about your photo style and inspiration. Your Alto style and photo inspiration together!
I love all f these and the stories behind them!