Most people won’t ever see the inside of my trailer, so today’s a fun post where I’m sharing five things I love inside my Alto.
5. I tripped over my shoes a lot till I figured out where to hang this cut-down shoe storage thingie (and, yes, I am sure that is the technical, official name for it). It hides in the back of the bathroom, easy to get to but out of sight so I don’t have to see the clutter all the time. As you might guess by this photo, I’ve seriously downsized my shoe collection in the last few years.
4. It amazes me that in a 16-foot trailer I can still lose my keys, so this little snail hook helps me not do that. It’s right inside the door so when I come in, I’ve (mostly) trained myself to hang up the keys. Why is the wallet clipped there? Because I can’t count how many times I left for the store and forgot my wallet because it was sitting on the table. Now it’s paired with the car keys and I haven’t forgotten it in a long while (knock on wood!).
3. Coming in at third place, this looks like an ordinary dish towel, but it’s not. It was gifted to me by a very talented weaver, who gave me a set of them and matching napkins. Every time I use them, I think of her and it makes me smile. And these things are bulletproof. I have had them more than a year now, and they don’t show any signs of wear. They are one of the prettiest things inside my trailer, too. I honestly love them.
2. One of my Patreon commitments is to Amy Davis Roth, the wonderfully talented artist also known as Surly Amy. She offers stickers to Patreon supporters and while I have several, this one is my favorite and placed where I see it when I’m making breakfast so it gets my day off to a great start. (You can find Amy at her Surly-Ramics website. I don’t get anything for mentioning her, I just love her art.)
1. My tiny bookcase. I’m my mother’s daughter, a lover of books, and while I can’t fit a huge bookcase into my trailer, I do have tiny basket that holds my current crop of paper books. (I also have a Kindle, where about 99% of my books live). Some books need to be paper for me, so I can read them slowly, mark them up, and come back to them over time. And one, that Atlantic Canada book, is my dream-ahead reading, as it’s where I want to go in 2018.
So there you have it: a mix of silly and practical things, which I guess is a lot like me.
(Bonus shot: The cover photo for this post is a collection of crazy magnets from places I’ve visited. I don’t have a magnetic-sided fridge, so I put these on the back wall where I can see them as I fall asleep at night and remember all the cool places I’ve been so far.)
Collect things you love, and your house becomes your story.
Erin Flett
Hi Annie,
Thanks for the great blog! I’m super interested in the Alto, and very impressed with your committment to the road. I’ve got a 2012 4-cylinder Subaru Outback and wondering if my car would strain going up hills by pulling close to 1800-2000 lbs. For that reason, I’m also looking at buying a Scamp trailer, but they’re pretty clunky compared to the Alto.
Do you have a 4 or 6 cylinder Outback, and how has your experience been pulling your Alto? Thanks! -Jeff
Hi, Jeff, thanks for the nice compliment on my blog! I have the 6 cylinder Subaru Outback, but many people do tow with the 4-cylinder version. A lot depends on where you are towing: if you live on the east coast vs. if you live in Colorado or Utah. I have pulled the Alto in and out of Death Valley (Panamint entrance) and not had issues, that’s the hardest grade I’ve done in two years. If you want more experience/stories about the Subaru, the Facebook group “Altoistes” has a wealth of information via the search function. (I did look at a Scamp but it just didn’t have the style and that cloth/carpet wall thing really didn’t work for me.)
Great, thanks for the info. I’ll do some more research on FB!
Thanks for the tour. That tea towel is my favorite also. I’m going to Surly Amy’s website next. Merry Christmas.
Love the quote. My house and yard are definitely my story, ha!!
Nice Wineglass magnet! 🙂
And they are beautiful, historical, complex, and delightful stories, indeed!
While you’re in the hood, I really enjoyed the Gaspe Penninsula. Great seascapes, hiking, salmon, trout and mountains in the South.
Oh, man, there is SOOOOO much I want to see up there! Been one of the longest standing items on my bucket list to see those parts of Canada.
Annie- Best wishes to you and your loved ones during this special holiday season! I enjoy reading your blog and love your pictures! Thank you.
Dan and Jane
Brookfield, CT.
Thank you for reading my blog, I am happy you enjoy it! Happy holidays!