In lieu of cards or presents, here’s my Christmas greetings to you…
From sunrise…
to sunset…
May you have peace and may that bring you happiness.
The holiest of holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Happy New Year, Annie!
You are my inspiration for adventures beyond in the coming year. Emily and Gregg bought me a camera to start the journey.
Happy trails,
What a great gift, and so much in Kingston to photograph! I think you’ll enjoy it so much. I’m happy I can inspire you to find new adventures 🙂
Hope your Christmas was great. The best of new years to you!
Joyeux Noël Annie et bonne continuité dans votre merveilleux parcours aux quatre coins de l’amérique… (Merry Christmas Annie and keep on going. Such a magnificient trip to the 4 corners of our beloved America!)
Merry Christmas to you too, Annie! Thanks for all the lovely pictures!
Merry Christmas
Thank you for sharing.
Long may you travel.
⛄ Maryanne & Rod
Merry Christmas, Annie. Sending all our love to you at Christmas.
Merry Christmas Annie! Continue safe travels and remember I will be the first in line to buy your book ❤️
Merry Christmas, Annie, from chilly and bright Santa Cruz! It is such a beautiful morning… we have so much to be grateful for. Peace and love to you!
Merry Christmas Annie
I am looking out the windows at San Francisco and down NobHill .
Nothing like Christmas with a young grandchild. She is still asleep as is her Mom who is due in 5 weeks!
will write more later when I have a keyboard as I am lousy typing on an iPad.
Enjoy the day and keep those photos coming